Pictured left to right: Rick Nelsen, NPPD Senior Economic Development Consultant; Dan Havlovic, Luke Heaton and Andy Havlovic with Rocket Mobility; Mike Johnson, Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President of Manufacturing for the NE Chamber.
The all-terrain tracked wheelchair, manufactured by Rocket Mobility in Columbus, Nebraska, has been named the “Coolest Thing Made in Nebraska” for 2023.
Manufacturers, students and all Nebraskans were invited to vote in a head-to-head, bracket-style matchup of 16 finalists through the month of September to determine the 2023 winner. In total, the four rounds of voting drew 50,000 votes.
“This contest really puts the creativity, ingenuity, inventions, and entrepreneurship of Nebraska manufacturers on display,” said Mike Johnson, Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President of manufacturing for the NE Chamber. “In addition to recognizing the skilled Nebraskans driving the manufacturing industry today, our goal is to illuminate these high-tech, problem-solving careers to the next generation. We hope the products and manufacturers in this contest inspire the youth of Nebraska to check out careers in this contest inspire the youth of Nebraska to check out careers in this field!”
“The contest is a great way to highlight our state’s manufacturing industry by showcasing the ingenuity and craftsmanship of products made right here in Nebraska,” said NPPD Economic Development Manager Nicole Sedlacek. “It’s always so exciting to see what products compete because it shows how diverse Nebraska’s manufacturing industry is and all of the incredible options it offers.”
The champion was announced October 10 at the NE Chamber’s Manufacturing Summit in La Vista, where the 16 products featured in the tournament were also invited to display their products. Learn about each of the finalist at nemanufacturingalliance.com
The contest, hosted by the NE Manufacturing Alliance and powered by the NE Chamber and Nebraska Public Power District, together with your local utility – celebrates the state’s thriving manufacturing industry with Nebraska residents, students, educators, community leaders, manufacturers and especially, the vast number of Nebraskans working in manufacturing every day. The popular contest leads the state into NE Manufacturing Month celebrated each year in October.
Source: Meg Hatfield, NE Chamber