‘Study: Real Value Of $100 In Each State’
Using data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the Tax Foundation has published a map showing how much $100 could buy in each state. For example, Nebraska is a low-price state. One hundred dollars in the Cornhusker State will buy you goods and services that would cost $110.50 in a state closer to the national average. Specifically, the Tax Foundation notes that “Nebraskans and Californians earn approximately the same amount in dollars per capita, but after adjusting for regional price parity, Nebraskan incomes can buy more.” The states where $100 is worth the most are Mississippi ($115.21), Arkansas ($114.29), South Dakota ($114.16), Alabama ($114.03), and West Virginia ($113.12). In contrast, $100 is effectively worth the least in the District of Columbia ($84.96), Hawaii ($86.06), New York ($86.73), New Jersey ($87.34), and California ($89.05). See the study here.