A groundbreaking event in McCook in November celebrated the expansion of Performance Plus Liquids cattle feed company in McCook as well as the expansion of Phase II of the local business park. Charlie McPherson, Executive Director of McCook Economic Development Corporation opened by stating, “It is a very big day for MEDC and the Board of Directors. It is a great opportunity to officially welcome Brent Erickson and the Performance Plus team to McCook.
McPherson thanked the Case family, Perry and Vicky Case and their daughter Jacqueline, for being so mindful of McCook and for wanting great things for our community.
He thanked the Board of Directors and all their hard work in the pursuit to make McCook a great place to live, work, and raise a family. He also thanked the City of McCook for collaborating with MEDC on this expansion of the business park and all the hard work that goes on behind the scenes. And a final thanks to Performance Plus for choosing McCook for their next facility location and being so patient through all the processes.
McPherson said “It is an exciting time right now to be in McCook with so many great projects going. The business park expansion has been a special project and opportunity for MEDC. As the lots began to fill up, the Board of Directors were working behind the scenes planning for a potential expansion for quite some years now. Last fall, with Brent and Performance Plus looking to expand their operations in Southwest Nebraska, it gave us a great opportunity to work with them and the Cases to expand and get the project off the ground and running.”
“McCook has so many great and thriving businesses we all love to support, but by having industry and a place for industry to develop, it adds an additional layer to our community’s diverse local economy through a variety of ways, such as talent attraction, wages, tax base and so much more,” added McPherson.

Left to right: Charlie McPherson, Executive Director of MCDC; Senator Dave Merman; Aaron Peterson of W Design; Jerry Heidelk, CEO of Performance Plus; Troy Bruntz, MEDC Board Present and Community Hospital CEO; Nate Schneider, McCook City Manager; Ashley Rice-Gerlack, NDED Business Development Consultant; Brent Erickson, President of Performance Plus of Colorado.